What to Wear on a Plane- Keeping it Classy

I’m sure you all heard the hulaboo (someone recently used this word and I have since adopted it and use it every chance I get- sorry) about the girls who wore leggings on the United flight. Honestly. Once again, our family debates are ahead of their time. Every time before we are leaving for a longer plane trip, there is discussion about what we will be wearing, which inevitably ends with me assuring everyone…not my yoga pants… even though stylish comfy clothes are my forte. But I get it. We are in public, we are going on a nice trip, and it really isn’t too much to ask that I not look like I am about to hop into bed… I mean, workout…
That said, with much reservation (well, not that much since I was able to shop), I put together a few ensembles to check out… (Oh, and probably no on the shoes but they would add a nice element to change into once you arrive at your destination.)
If you want to keep it somewhat formal, this is a nice option, and I guarantee you will be able to wear most of this outfit again once you reach your destination. Versatility is always key for me.
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This would be my trendy option-(yes, in my classic wardrobe, the bomber jacket qualifies as trendy- ha!). Maybe not the purse for the plane. Or maybe yes and just stick it in this bag? Can you tell that I may have a thing for scallops? I find it difficult to say no to scallops and ruffles.

I love this cozy outfit. Maybe just add some pearls to make it just a tad fancy. And a t-shirt (perhaps one of these?) underneath to add an extra ounce of comfort.
What do you think? Are any of these combos your style? What do you wear on flights? Does distance/length of flight make a difference?
The PIN:
Travel Outfit #1
Ann Taylor Navy Blazer- (I couldn’t find this online but if you head to the store, I found it in the sale section and then got another 40% on top of that.) If you don’t have a store nearby, here is equally classy option with a splash of spring… https://bit.ly/2nFHtdG
Ann Taylor Petite Striped Cutout Ruffle Shell- https://bit.ly/2nJiacu
Banana Republic Jeans- Again, I couldn’t find the exact match to these jeans but I really have had good luck with any and all BR jeans. The pair that probably gives the closest vibe to the ones in the photo are these- http://bit.ly/2nJuOrP
Lariat Necklace- I love this necklace. It is especially nice for travel as it can be worn 3 ways. Check it out at http://bit.ly/2nFzSMh
Heels- http://bit.ly/2n53GFd
Travel Outfit #2
White House Black Market White Blazer with Black Pinstripe- Again, I purchased this awhile ago and it is no longer available. I do love WHBM for more dressy pieces like blazers, so it’s always worth a quick look. I also found this jacket at Nordstrom’s that keeps it classy and would pair well with the mock sweater in the picture- http://bit.ly/2nFNt6j
Ann Taylor Ruffle Sleeve Mock Neck Sweater- I’m a huge fan of higher cut tops and ruffles and this one checks both boxes- https://bit.ly/2nJjps8
Silver Bracelet- https://bit.ly/2nxm0C2
Heels- http://bit.ly/2n5eza2
Plane Outfit #3
Scalloped Shirt- http://bit.ly/2n5eza2
Bomber Jacket- https://bit.ly/2n555eE
Plane Outfit #4
Fleece- Unfortunately, the last time I looked, this was sold out. However, there are still some good, cozy-looking options available. https://bit.ly/2nQ0NFi or https://bit.ly/2n5cdYw seem like good options.
Bracelet- (Also no longer available-ahhh! Sorry- I don’t go shopping that often.) Again, this would make a good pairing, though… https://bit.ly/2nQ1GxC
Be ky
I love that bag in outfit three. Can you share where that is from. We are planning a trip to Jamaica this fall so I loved this post.
Mackinaw Road
Oh how fun to be planning a trip to Jamaica! And Thank you for your kind words 🙂 The bag was given to me as a gift from some relatives in India… so I’m not sure if it’s available here. If I find out or see one similar, I will definitely let you know 🙂
I read this AFTER coming home from our spring break trip! I was that person dressed in total comfort and had to laugh when reading this post! I told Rob while flying, look how cute some people dress for flights! I need to do that next time we fly! So when we head to San Francisco this summer, I’ll have to try an outfit similar to some in your post! Thanks 🙂
Mackinaw Road
Haha- you are so funny! I am 100% sure that you were cute even in your comfy clothes 🙂 So exciting that you are going to San Francisco!!!