Mackinaw Road: Goals and Updates
Well, summer is unofficially over. It’s disappointing for a lake girl like myself, but I love looking back at all of the fun memories that were created with family and friends.
It’s also time to start thinking about goals for Mackinaw Road this year as the 1st anniversary is quickly approaching. I have recently updated my Pinterest page to look more professional (and pretty) and I’d love for you to check it out. Am I missing a board? Any board that is of particular interest? Another goal I have is to increase Instagram followers to 2500 by the end of October; that’s just over 1000 followers to gain, so spread that word 😉 In relation to blog posts on Mackinaw Road, this is what I’m thinking, and I’d love your feedback….
Mondays will be my general posts about our travel advice, photos, what to do, where to stay, what to eat, etc.

Thursdays will be dedicated to Island Travel Interviews. You can check those out here.

Friday Finds (as you guessed it… on Fridays) will be sort of like this post from last fall, which may include the latest travel accessories, travel necessities, travel advice such as where to find cheap flights, navigating travel credit cards, travel Instagram accounts to follow, travel-inspired design, travel-inspired recipes, etc. For example, I loved learning about this website and can’t wait to try it out.
Now, before you decide that is going to be way too much of me in a week, let me assure you that it is highly unlikely I will be writing three times a week… this is just a schedule to follow/help me organize myself. I also have a pretty active 4-year old at home for the majority of the days, and, as this is my last child and our last year together before I have to give him up to kindergarten, our time together (which will likely involve fishing, kayaking, and building birdhouses) is definitely a top priority.
I would love to hear from you… what would you like to see more/less of? Is there a part of the country/world that peaks your curiosity and you would like to learn more about? Do you have a travel tip/recipe/necessity that you would like to share? I’d love to hear about it! I’m not claiming to be an expert on it all but will work hard to find answers to your questions. I’d love to learn right along with you. I could maybe say that my “expertise” or, at least, experiences are mainly limited to Europe travel, Caribbean Islands, USA trips, a fantastic jaunt to India (check that out here), and a trip across the pond (do people still use that saying?) that is in the works (to check out the general vicinity, check out this board). Please, please, please email me ( or even just leave a comment on this post so we can collaborate.
But for now… back to those memorable summer days….

And just a little sunset tour of the Mitten State to close out a fabulous summer!

Shannon Rischow
I’m sure London’s amazing, but the coastal day trips on your board look even better!
Mackinaw Road
Completely agree! In fact, I’m not sure we will even make it up to London 🙂
Wow! Beautiful pictures, especially the sunset at Lake Michigan.. I loved reading your weekly schedule and I’m amazed how you manage everything so well.. Thanks for sharing this post! It has given me some great blogging goals. 🙂
Mackinaw Road
Thank you so much!
4 year old at home yet so organized. It’s great to read your blogging goals!
Mackinaw Road
Thank you 🙂
Glad to know that you had a good time during the summer. Congratulations for the first year anniversary of you blog and best wishes for the future. Waiting to read more form Makinawroad
Mackinaw Road
Thank you so much- I appreciate it!
Liliane Fawzy
This looks like a great way to kick off the next year of your blog!! I’ve been trying to get myself to stick to a schedule but life always gets in the way!
Mackinaw Road
I have a feeling that may happen to me too 😉
The Thought Card
That’s right summer is unoffically over and I’m devastated. But thank you for the “Get Me To Europe” tip, I just signed up. I love that your editorial calendar is so organized and your readers will know what to expect down the line!
Mackinaw Road
Thanks so much for the nice compliment! Yes, the deal to London today was amazing!!
Hi Marta. Just discovered your blog from Mel’s guest post. Great to connect with you and hope you reach your goals. Lorelle. 🙂
Mackinaw Road
Thank you so much, Lorelle!