Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road, Take 8: A Family Who Travels Together…
Finish this sentence… “A family who travels together…. “
Reno’s together?
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Our cabinets at the cabin were installed this week! Yay!!! And, guess what? Not only do I have a family who travels together, I also have a family who paints together. We are incredibly lucky to have two sets of grandparents so close. The 4-year old went to one set, and the other set helped me paint. (I was hoping to paint the cabinets but the stars didn’t align today. However, we did get most of the lower level primed and even a little bit painted.) The more I think about it, the more I think that renovations are much like travel. When reno-ing/traveling together, it takes a bit to get your grove and see how you all work together. Then, once you find it, the fun and memories begin. (Check out this podcast from Conde Nast Traveler about traveling with family. I feel fortunate that all of our family is pretty great to travel (and reno) with!
For the cabinet painting, I drew on the knowledge of my sister-in-law and brother/parents who all painted cabinets in the last year! And, because we all (or am I speaking for myself?) love a good Before/After … Here are the results from their projects…

While we are on the Before/After kick, here is our kitchen when we first bought our home…

… and after…

You’ll notice that there are several similarities. One of which is white cabinets. I love a white kitchen, but since I already have one to maintain/wipe down 100 times a day, I thought it might be fun to try something new. Here are the options …
… which would you choose? Or am I missing a color for consideration? Let me know! The goal is to have the painting done by Thanksgiving.
Oh, and if you are looking for a stylish and super warm jacket for winter, Lole is having their annual trade in. Just bring in an old coat and get $50 off a new one. I took advantage of this last year and purchased one of the warmest jackets I’ve owned, which is particularly important when living in Michigan.
How was this post for pure randomness? Thank you for letting me talk renovations as it’s been on my mind for most the week. (If you missed it, you can find our project from last spring here and here.) With no immediate trips to plan, the planning/scheduling of this remodel has been occupying my time. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!
Love before and afters!!! You did such a great job on your white kitchen, I’m curious about your color choice for the cabin reno 🙂
Mackinaw Road
Thank you so much!!! I was hoping to show the cabin cabinets all put together this Friday but now it has been delayed until next week 🙁 I really can’t stand not sharing, so I may just post a “Progress” shot anyway 😉 I ended up going with Benjamin Moore’s Philipsburg Blue and am loving it 🙂