Mackinaw Road Mondays: On turning 40, a Circus, Jeans, and a Salad
Hello and Happy Monday! Welcome to Mackinaw Road Mondays where we cover five miscellaneous topics. This week is a good one! It involves turning 40, a circus, jeans, a salad, and how I’m mixing traditional with tech in planning our next trip.
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I turned 40 last month and I have to say I think I was made for 40. So far, so great!!! We took a trip to Laguna Beach/Dana Point (you can read about it here) as a family and had such a great time that we are already planning our return trip. I’ve also been thinking about picking up old loves. Tennis is on the list, but I’m just not that competitive. I love to hit and practice but count me out of keeping score. However, our two kids do love tennis (and keeping score…always), so that is motivation enough for me to get back into it. While I was thinking about things I loved to do as a child, I also remembered how much I loved my art classes and painting. So, I nervously ordered a little watercolor set, took some photos I wanted to try to paint while in California, and set to it when we returned from our trip. I’m a little rusty still but am loving the process and was encouraged by a fairly good start.
Just a quick outfit update. As predicted, I’m wearing my sweater from The Counting House on repeat. (You can check it out styled differently here.) Given that it is now March, I’m starting to bring in some spring-ish clothes. I love these cut out booties at such a reasonable price paired with these higher waisted jeans (please don’t ever go away again, high waisted fashion!) Bonus that I look fairly trendy at 40 with ripped jeans that are actually “rip and repair” so there aren’t any holes that make me cold during this loooong transition to warmer weather- haha!
Speaking of loves, our kids are finally old enough that we can do short family read times where we all get to read our own books- yay! On the flight to California, we were all separated. So, instead of playing hangman and make-a-square on repeat, I read my book. My neighbor let me borrow The Night Circus. It is one of the best books I’ve read. It is a page turner without being scary at all. The setting is magical, the characters are personable and well-developed, and the writing is spectacular. I don’t typically read this genre of books. It doesn’t matter. This book is just so good! I don’t want to give too much away. (Also, note, that this is more of an illusion kind of circus, not the animal kind.) It is so good that someone should definitely make it into a movie. But then I’m quite sure I’ll be disappointed because I can’t imagine anything being as good as the book and the imagery it creates.
Back to the travel theme, we are headed out this spring on our first oversees trip with the kids. Our sweet friend who lived in the area to which we will be traveling took time last week to sit with me to help plan out our trip. I am so excited! She shared a handy app that we used to get started. It is called Visit a City and makes an itinerary for you based on the days spent in the city, if you will be traveling with kids, etc. We found it handy to cross reference with Rick Steve’s book in order to get more insight, detail, etc. I think that the app is super handy to generate ideas. The days they suggested were jam packed, and I know my kids are just going to want to find a park to do cartwheels in as a break at some point. So, I would suggest making a list with a friend who has been there, using the app as a jumping off point, and then cross referencing with Rick Steve books. At least that’s my plan for now. I’ll let you know how it pans out!
A friend made this Chopped Thai Salad from Pinch of Yum, and it is so good! It may still be chilly outside, but I’m ready for salad season! This has a good amount of veggies and the edamame and cashews add that protein/filling factor that I love for a hearty lunch salad. The sesame garlic dressing is delicious too and brings the whole thing together. What is even more perfect is that if I make this as a side salad for dinner, I can set aside some of the peppers, edamame, and carrots for the kids plates! Win-win!
Thanks for sticking with me and my randomness! Have a great week!!!