A Cape Cod Inspired Celebration
You may or may not know that I love something inspired. Okay, maybe even a little theme-y. When my sister and brother in law suggested lobster rolls for our Mother’s Day celebration, I was all in. Then, I saw some candles. And maybe sent a text suggesting that everybody dress the part. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Keep reading for the details of our Cape Cod Inspired Celebration.
As a disclaimer, I should mention that I’ve never been to Cape Cod. Someday soon hopefully!
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The Food
My sister and brother in law get all of the credit for the food! They discovered this service that delivers Maine lobster right to your doorstep. We were thinking about the lobster rolls. However, because we had 10 people to feed, we would need two kits, and that was starting to add up fast. So, my sister did a little local research and discovered that Fish Lads of Grand Rapids has Lobster Rolls to go. They were packaged so nicely. We just had to mix the lobster with the sauce. We also chose to toast the buns. The lobster was individually wrapped, so we also could have had everyone mix their own. In the end, it was easier for this occasion to premix and plate them. Either way could work, though. Done and done.
The Lobster Rolls came with a simple salad. My sister brought some Cape Cod potato chips, and we were good to go!
I also made the Half Baked Harvest Lemon Key Lime Bars. They were so good! I completely forget to take photos, but you can find the recipe here.
The Tablescape
We kept the drinks simple. You may notice the new drinking glasses/ please note the new drinking glasses / get ready for a tangent… I have had my eye on these glasses for 10 years or so but just never made the purchase. (The turning point was when my Dad requested a “real glass” as opposed to the mason jar I handed him- haha!) Anyway, a close friend has these glasses and I love sitting poolside with her in the summer sipping cold water (she has the tall ones) and watching the kids splash and play (okay, race from the pool to the hot tub and back again). They don’t require constant refills and seem to be thick and durable. The glasses also come with lids! Perfect for our Thursday traveling-to-tennis mango smoothie routine. They also can serve double-duty as storage containers, which is ideal for our smaller kitchen space.
I have had my white square plates for awhile now. (These are similar.) They come in very handy and make the food look even better. They are easy to incorporate into tablescapes year round.
We ended up using paper napkins because lobster rolls aren’t exactly a neat kind of food. I did have my striped napkins out too, and they added a nice summery coastal feel. (You can find similar napkins here.)
The candles from The Counting House were a perfect match with their lovely labels and beautiful scents.
If I were good at planning ahead, I would have/should have brought the picnic caddy and striped bowls home from the Beach Cabin. I guess that is the good thing about a Coastal-Inspired Celebration- you can hold it any time from May through September, so I’ll have another shot this summer yet.
It ended up being a bit rainy and cold on the day of our celebration, but I can’t wait to start hosting out on the patio again soon.
The Dress Code
There wasn’t really a dress code, and it was cold so all of my searsucker plans were a bit of a no go. However, I linked some outfits on my to-buy list that would be perfect for a coastal-inspired celebration with cooperative weather.
You can shop these items but clicking on the photos below.
In fact, this dress would be great too! This photo was taken a few years ago in Winter Park during a Florida trip. You can read about that here.
While we are talking summer clothing, here is a little compilation of summer dresses just in time for Memorial Day weekend.
You can shop these plus a few others by clicking the photos below.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week and holiday weekend!