Mackinaw Road: The Quarterly 01
Because life ebbs and flows, the monthly updates were a bit much. (Remember when I used to do them weekly- What was I thinking?) As such, every quarter or so, I am hoping to give a little update on travel, projects, plants, good reads & watches, things that caught my eye, etc. etc.
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I had a fun day getting away to Chicago last month. It was the most beautiful day and it felt good to be back! Lincoln Park was particularly gorgeous. Armitage is a must visit in my opinion with stores like Serena & Lily, Jenni Kayne, Buck Mason, and so much more. Summer House was delicious with its good food and light and airy environment.
We wrapped most of the projects for our Comfortable & Stylish home. You can check them out here and here and here.
At our Colonial Home, we are going to redo the tile for a timeless, has-this-been-here-all-along feel. I’m not the best at drawing so I’ve recently hacked my way through. For this one, I took a photo and then drew on the photos. I found this to be helpful when describing what we should do where.
At the Beach Cabin, we are laying pavers to give our driveway a more finished look. Once again, we will be going for a looks-like-it-has-been-here-forever look.
Plants & Flowers
The time of year when Trader Joe’s has Ranunculus is the best. These may very well be my favorite flower.
We missed Tulip Time this year, but had our own little tulip lane in our backyard. It is never at the top of my list to plant tulip bulbs in the fall but it is always worth it in the spring. I’m really loving the pink and red color combination- how cheerful!
Our lilac bush is the best that it has looked since we moved in! I think that it has something to do with not trimming it š When the conditions are just right, we can even smell them through the open kitchen windows.
Sources (exact/similar): $16 table cloth, wishbone chairs, lovely light
I planted partial sun to sun plants in our planters. Fingers crossed it all works out but so far, so good! These are the planters that we have and I love them! Of course, I have since forgotten what plants were included: I do remember that there is verbena, bacopa, and sweet Caroline sweet potato vine.
Here are some planters that I have my eye on for either outside, inside, or both š
Good Reads
The book that I read this quarter that I can’t stop thinking about is The Women by Kristin Hannah. My family was ignored for about a day and a half while I page turned through this book. The WomenĀ is a coming of age book of sorts combined with heroism during a tumultuous time of war and a divided nation. As historical fiction books do, I now want to know everything about the Vietnam War.
Currently Watching
Capturing Home on Discovery + is such a lovely show featuring two designers (who are also an interior stylist and a lifestyle photographer). As you can surmise, their creations are just spectacular.
Things that Caught My Eye
I’ve been trying to share Things that Caught My Eye Weekly over on LTK. Here are some that you may have missed…
That’s All for Now
I’ll leave you with our spring living room and this beautiful Paris photo– perfect for the spring season.