Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road: Graduation Gifts and More!
Spring is in full swing with all of the fun activities and last minute school events! That includes graduation gifts! I can’t believe how many kids are graduating this year. It seems like they were just in second grade! Don’t blink. We’ve also had Mother’s Day, so many birthdays, teacher gifts, and Father’s Day right around the corner. You can check out the Father’s Day gift guide by clicking here. Below are some more (random) gift suggestions for all your gift giving needs. (This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you click and purchase, I may receive some compensation- thank you!)
Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road: A Netflix Find, Gift Ideas for Him, and A Plaid Puffer Vest
Hi all and Happy Friday! It’s been fun starting up with Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road again and just in time for all things holiday!!! But first…
Gifts for Traveling Kids: Elementary Age version
Hi there! As much as I love fall, it’s time to admit that winter appears to be here to stay. And, let’s face it, the holidays are a magical time. While we won’t be traveling too much over the holiday months, that doesn’t stop the kids (and us) from dreaming of days on the road. Here are a few gift ideas to keep the kids occupied at home and while traveling. **This post contains affiliate links. Also, we haven’t tried all of the products but just think that they look like great gifts.
Kids Who Travel: Podcasts and Activities
I have to admit that I love having Kids Who Travel. Traveling with kids is great. To a point. It’s a lot of work but is worth it to see the world through fresh eyes. To catch the wonder and curiosity makes all of the planning worth it. I mentioned a few easy, non-Pinterest ways we make our travel flow in this post (click here). Our kids are now 5 and 8 years old and here are some additional tools that are useful as we travel both near and far… and even when we stay put. (This post contains affiliate links.)
What to do in Savannah, Georgia (in 3 hours)
This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you click and purchase, I may receive some compensation. Savannah, Georgia. It’s been on the list of places to visit for awhile now. We haven’t heard a bad review. And, yet, we didn’t quite know what to expect. During a recent family vacation to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, my husband and I were able to drive the 45 minutes or so to Savannah, Georgia, for dinner and a walk. We were quite satisfied with all that we saw, but the 3 hours definitely left us craving a return visit in the near future.
Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road, Take 10: Vintage Travel Magazines, Chatbooks, and a Travel-Related Gift
Happy Friday (again)! I have to admit that I really do look forward to these Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road days. I hope you do too! I also have to admit that almost all of these finds happened two weeks ago, but there was just so much to share around the Thanksgiving holiday that I decided to save it for this week. **This post contains affiliate links. Christmas is right around the corner and I’m already nervous I am going to forget someone’s gift. Luckily, the parents are taken care of with tickets to shows and sporting events and I have most of the other gifts too. I was…
Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road: Black Friday/Cyber Monday
I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving holiday filled with family, friends, and lots of turkey! I’m thankful for all of these things… and for you! Thank you for coming back week after week even though you never know what form my “travel inspiration” may take. I appreciate you and am so glad you are here!
Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road, Take 6: A Travel App, Slippers, Soup, and a Car Game
Hi there! I hope that you all had a great week and are ready for a nice weekend. We will be doing some more renovations, taking care of a pesky woodpecker situation (that’s right, there is currently a woodpecker drilling and making a nest in the side of the cabin), and getting ready to leave for another trip next month (if you have any restaurant suggestions for New Orleans, I’d love them!). I’m super excited about all of my “finds” this week and hope that you find them helpful as well. [This post contains affiliate links.] The first is TripIt. TripIt is an app that allows you to store all…
Travel-Inspired Shared Bedroom
Again, this may be a stretch… But I’m going to go ahead and write this post anyway. Just a little backstory… My kids are like puppies. They love to be wild and then snuggle, snuggle, snuggle. “Alone time” just really isn’t a thing with them, and my introverted self is amazed by and loves them for it. [This post may contain affiliate links.]
Winter 2017 Giveaway Time!!!
It’s Giveaway Time! I want to know… what is the biggest risk you have taken? What was your motivation? Inspiration? Any plans you are unsure of for 2017? Whatever it is, I hope that your 2017 is off to a fabulous start! And I want to give you this sign to remind you to stay positive. I hope you all find your wings and fly this year. Tag a friend over on this photo on Instagram and subscribe to our updates (it’s over on the left side by the menu), and, just like that, you are entered to win. Only caveat…. you must have a shipping address within the continental…