Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for 11 Year Old Boys
In a shocking turn of events, one of my hardest-to-shop for made a list and I don’t disagree with anything on it. It is quite versatile, ranging from technology (of course) to fishing to sports cards. As an added bonus, it all (minus one of my add-ons) comes in below $100.
Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Her
Continuing with my easiest to most difficult to shop for theme this year, here is my Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Her. Jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, a splurge-y sweater, and more are listed below.
Gift Ideas for 5-7 Year Olds
I’m back with several gift ideas for 5 year olds. It is so much for to have younger nieces and nephews to shop for! It brings back memories of when our own kids were that young (and also feelings of – Why couldn’t that have been invented when our children were little). Just like the Baby & Toddler Gift Ideas, I had a difficult time limiting the round up, so here are many options…
Gifts for Babies & Toddlers
Our newest nephew is turning is one this month! Time really does fly 🙂 I got a little carried away with the options for this sweet one year old, especially with the holidays quickly approaching as well. There are so many lovely and wonderful toys and activities out there for these little tykes. As always, read the age recommendations and labels and check with the parents if they are slightly out of the age range.
5 Countertop Options for Older Homes
I have recently been obsessively reading about countertops, only to look around the realize that I also have a lot of first hand experience with a variety of countertop options. We have butchers block counters in the Beach Cabin kitchen. A lovely quartzite graces the countertop on the lower level dry bar. The dresser turned vanity at the Beach Cabin has quartz countertops. We have had both polished and honed marble countertops in our Colonial Home. Earlier this summer, I was able to go with friends to shop around for a new island counter for their kitchen. We learned quite a bit about quartz and dolomite. Read on to learn…
Mackinaw Road: The Quarterly 02
It’s difficult to believe that summer is almost over. Summer is my favorite season and I am never quite ready to give it up to fall. And yet, quite predictably, autumn starts to sneak in. That said, we had a wonderful summer and I hope that you did too. Below is a quick quarterly synopsis of travel, projects, plants, good reads & watches, and things that caught my eye.
5 Day Boston-Maine Road Trip
Boston-Maine Road Trip In 5 Days We had what I would consider to be a quintessential family vacation last week. The secret sauce for our family trips seems to be a little city time followed by ocean/lake time with some type of athletic event sprinkled in. It worked well when we were in Portugal and was a success again with our trip out East. We recently spent 5 days in Boston and Maine. It was a whirlwind and not how we usually travel. Our family tends to settle in for at least a few days before moving on to the next setting. However, our list included several stops and we…
A Timeless (very) Small Bathroom Refresh
A Timeless (very) Small Bathroom Refresh We recently had the kids’ bathroom get a little refresh. I could not be happier with how it turned out! Although admittedly not entirely on purpose, I feel that we effectively gave the bathroom a timeless facelift. Looking back on the project, I think that this was the main formula: keep what we can/have to/is original to the house, stick with the house’s age range when considering the materials (i.e., the tile), add elements of our (other) favorite designs through more decorative items, add a little luxury (hand soap, new towels), and finally incorporate a little nostalgia with wall art.
Mackinaw Road: The Quarterly 01
Because life ebbs and flows, the monthly updates were a bit much. (Remember when I used to do them weekly- What was I thinking?) As such, every quarter or so, I am hoping to give a little update on travel, projects, plants, good reads & watches, things that caught my eye, etc. etc. **This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you click and purchase, I may receive some compensation at no extra cost to you. Thank you! Travel I had a fun day getting away to Chicago last month. It was the most beautiful day and it felt good to be back! Lincoln Park was particularly gorgeous. Armitage is…
Comfortable and Stylish Home: The Basement Makeover
The Basement Makeover This is the last post about the lovely Comfortable and Stylish Home. We covered the Living Room, Home Office, and Kids Spaces previously and will end where I actually began the projects in this home- the basement. The Basement: Purpose The basement serves as a hang out space and also as an extra place for guests to stay. Movies and sports are watched down here, card games are played, and general chatting occurs. We wanted the space to be like the rest of the house- comfortable and stylish. The Basement: Paint With some restraint (you know I love a good paint sample session), we threw several options…